About NC News

NC News aims to provide the top news stories from every country in the world, from the perspective of the major news sources in those countries.

This tool allows you to explore news by country. Global and international stories are generally excluded from story lists, to avoid repetition and to focus on national news.

NC News is an experimental tool that uses AI to collect, prioritize and summarize the news. Please send feedback to team@newconsensus.com if you see anything that's wrong or if you have any suggestions for improvements to the tool.

Upcoming features to include:

  • Audio file or podcast that reads the news of the whole world or countries you select.
  • Add more languages.
  • Improvements to the quality of the selection of news, summaries, and prioritization.
  • Expand the pool of news sources that we link to. Please send suggestions for additional news sources!
  • Add more topics and categories of news, and more stories from each country. This will require a few donations though to pay for the additional processing and access. Please consider donating!

Support information




New Consensus

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